
Kult bybryllup ved stranden av Liron Erel Photography


Vi digger unike og kule bryllup, hvor du kan kjenne stemningen gjennom bildene, og ønske at du var der, og fikk delta i smilene, latteren, kjærlighet, vielsen, festen, og all dansingen. Bryllupet til Maria & Roy er alt det, enda litt til, og igjen fanger Liron Erel Photography de magiske øyeblikkene, og stemningen så perfekt. Her er det bare å la seg sjarmere og inspirere.  This Is Real Love.


- Best memory of the day: The best memory was actually walking down the aisle together. Seeing the people we love all happy for us, and being just a few seconds from actually being married. The moment I pulled the vail down kissed Maria and enter the Chupa.

- Couples Tip: Focus on making your wedding your own. Try to put as much details as you can that really reflects you as a couple more than "doing it right".

- Why Liron Erel? Because of the personal touch, because of his unique way of capturing moments while making everything feel very natural. He sweats the small stuff, gets the most unique and intimate photos and has a great spirit.



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