
Kaketopper og Invitasjoner - Håndlaget Etsy Love


NWB synes det er så gøyt å stadig oppdage nye talenter, som lager vakre håndlagde produkter. Vi har lagt vår elsk på enda en Etsy shop; First Snowfall. Hun lager de vakreste kaketopper, invitasjoner og 'Her kommer Bruden' skilt blant annet. Klikke deg inn og la deg inspirere. Kanskje en av disse vil pryde din stylishe bryllupskake?

Besøk First Snowfall og se alt det vakre hun lager. Darah selv skriver følgende på sin Etsy Shop:

"The First Snow Fall is born of my desire to bring little bits of love and loveliness to each woman’s life and home. I’ve always had a soft spot for weddings because they are a perfect blend of young love, colorful inspiration, and thoughtful whimsy. Plus, as a life-long romantic it’s my true joy to create handmade pieces that add one of a kind character to each bride’s special day. I also offer prints and accessories for the home to bring that moment of wedding bliss into the everyday. 

Each of my pieces is made using the highest quality inks, foils, and luxe, thick paper goods. I believe that even a small piece of art adds incredible richness to each day and deserves to be made with only the best materials."


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