
Bryllupsfotograf Nordica Photography| The Notebook | The Norwegian Wedding Blog


THE NORWEGIAN WEDDING BLOG ønsker med dette NORDICA PHOTOGRAPHY hjertelig velkommen som medlem i THE NOTEBOOK, i kategorien kreative & talentfulle BRYLLUPSFOTOGRAFER. Her er et lite utdrag av hva Cole & Jakob selv sier om bryllupsfotografering:

Not just another pretty dress. 
Your wedding is a personal story that we are there to document.
We believe the best results come from telling it like it is. The art happens in recognizing the moments when the setting, subject and mood are in sync and the real story unfolds naturally, without being contrived.

Every picture has a purpose.
On the day of the wedding, we come along for the ride as observers on the outside looking in. We're not there to turn your day into our photo shoot. At the same time, every picture we take has a purpose. It is a part of the story that we are there to tell.

Revealing the real story.
We compose a curated collection of pictures that reveal the story as it unfolds, with images that put the viewer right inside the narrative.

A blend of journalism & fine art.
Awesome wedding photography for us is when the unobtrusiveness of journalism combines with the challenge of creating art. It is capturing the telling detail that is emotionally true but never forced. Achieving this is what motivates us, and why we love what we do.

Ønsker du å vite mer om NORDICA PHOTOGRAPHY - klikker du bare HER.

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