
Bryllupskaker og Cupcakes - Chelsea's Cool Cakes | The Notebook | The Norwegian Wedding Blog


THE NORWEGIAN WEDDING BLOG ønsker med dette CHELSEA'S COOL CAKES hjertelig velkommen som nytt medlem i THE NOTEBOOK. Her er et lite utdrag av hva hun selv sier om kaker og hennes virksomhet:

"Chelsea Hill has been crafting unique, couture cakes for the past six years and just opened up her very own cake studio in Stavanger, Chelsea's Cool Cakes. Brides come to her when they want more than JUST a wedding cake. Each cake and cupcake is 100% custom-designed from start to finish to perfectly suit your wedding day, from cakes baked from scratch using only the tastiest ingredients to handcrafted sugar flower decorations. Which means your cake won't simply be a dessert, it will be a unique, delicious, amazing, one-of-a-kind work of art inside and out. 

Chelsea specializes in cakes that are a bit "off the beaten path" and always tries to push the boundaries when it comes to design and flavor to provide a truly unique experience for your wedding. While the menu includes favorites like classic chocolate and vanilla, it also includes "Hawaiian Guava," and "Lemon-berry Cheesecake." All cakes are baked from scratch with real butter and quality ingredients, like Callebaut Belgian Chocolate and homemade fruit curds. The sky is the limit when it comes to designs, and Chelsea will work with you personally to design a cake that not only fits your wedding theme, but reflects your own unique personality and style."

Ønsker du å vite mer om CHEALSEA'S COOL CAKES - klikker du bare HER.

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